What It Takes to Have Good Communication Skills
What It Takes to Have Good Communication Skills
You just had a meeting with a new client. You feel good! Then you followed up with them in 3 days, and they did not remember you.
Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. Could be at work, at home, or generally, when ordering food! We understand the frustration and here we explain in detail what may have went wrong in the communication or communication skills.
Good Communication Skills can generally be measured by reactions, feedback and how fast the listener got your message! As a communicator, understand that excellent communication is a two-way conversation, and that you can empower it.
Here are 11 easy Tips to Good Communication Skills
Tip #1 - Imagine that YOU are the audience.
What could you possibly ask? Think of all the angles. For example, when you send out an e-invitation for an event - you want to tell people the location, attire, date and time of the event, and the agenda. There could be some that want to know who the attendees are, the objection of the event and so on. Add as many details in your communication skills as permitted.
Tip #2 - Assume the listener has NO CLUE about your topic.
If you are introducing a new system or invention, you need to explain what the system is, how it will benefit others, how to use it, and so on. Always define new ideas or systems and give a brief background for the audiences understanding.
Before that, you can also connect with the audience and do research on who the audience is and their level of understanding of the topic. You can check out how to choose your public speaking topic here.
Tip #3- Use EASY language.
Feed as much information with clear, easy points for the listener to gauge with. Do not use too many ‘big’ words in your message, simply because you do not want to strain the listening experience. Remember, the human attention span is not long!
Tip #4 - Have COMPASSION for others.
Always keep in mind that your audience are from different demographics, backgrounds and upbringing. The idea is to build a connection, and therefore, to communicate in the same language, verbally and in body language, is key. The “mirror” technique is used by many public figures, when communicating or negotiating, because it works! Find out more about mirroring here.
Tip #5 - Expect reactions, or not.
We mentioned on tip #4, people are of different demographics, backgrounds and upbringing and so their way of thinking is different. When you communicate, expect any reaction, especially if its the the first time to present the topic. However, after doing a few times, you can estimate or judge what the general reaction by the audience will be.
Nevertheless, being able to study reactions is not that easy! Learn to read facial expressions and body gestures!
Tip #6 - Speak with the right tone.
Set the tone for your message. Is the audience just coming back for lunch and need a booster? You have the power to boost the rooms energy! Use bigger expressions with your hands and your voice. Ask, engage and get closer to have eye contact with the audience to get their attention.
However, if your message is bad news, for example, there is going to be a budget cut next year, use a softer, kinder tone to allow the heart and mind to process the news. There is always a way to communicate a message, don’t worry!
Tip #7 - Get the right topic for the right reader or audience. Get your easy topic for speeches here.
The topic is important, especially to the current audience behaviour now. We want things fast, and easy. Perhaps one topic can be broken to multiple series? Or maybe a complex topic, can be less on the solution, but more on the cause? E.g A topic on How to Make Coffee, can also be “Why Coffee Can Be Good for You?”
Tip #8 - Interact with the audience.
Very much associated to Tip #5, you’d want to get reactions! Its the affirmation that you’re being heard. You can use Question techniques, Ice Breakers and so much more. Some fun question cards you can use with both kids and adults are available here.
Tip #9 - Use emotions.
Humans are emotional beings, whether we share it openly or not, a trigger in the emotions is something we will take home and remember. You want to be remembered. To test yourself, try to define what emotions each of these emoticons are:
Tip #10 - Positive communication is always gold.
Encourage, motivate and give people incentive from your message. Improving is for eternity so try to give a hopeful angle in all your communication. We all are looking for a hero, and public speakers have that opportunity to be one!
Tip #11 - Humans are visual beings.
If you are delivering a speech, use the right body language. Have eye contact, and use hand gestures. If you are writing your message in an email or article, use the right font so that the words are easy to read and include relevant images in the right places.
Good Communication Skills vs Bad Communication Skills
Good Communication Skills is when you have learnt and understood the need and delivery of communicating effectively with minimal or no confusion. Usually people who have Good Communication Skills are popular and well respected because they are understood well - there is a connection.
Bad Communication Skills means that the person lacks the knowledge and understanding of Good Communication Skills, is easily misunderstood and cause more frustration or no interest from the audience. You do not want to be the person with Bad Communication Skills. It causes issues in all expects of life from relationship with yourself, personal relationships, to career progression and work relationships.
We hope this blog has helped you in your process in becoming a great communicator!
1. 7 Must-Have Components Of A Speech
2. Stress Less With These 3-Easy Steps And Improve Your Critical Thinking
3. What It Takes to Have Good Communication Skills
4. Why Public Speaking Workshops Is Not A Waste Of Time
5. Eye Contact As Body Language
6. 7 Practices To Help You Master Effective Communication
7. How To Choose Public Speaking Topics
8. 14 Benefits Of Public Speaking That Will Change Your Life
9. Your 4 Goals For Public Speaking
10. 3 Useful Tips On How To Improve English Speaking Skills
11. 10 Tips On How To Improve Speaking Skills
12. 7 things I learnt about interpersonal communication from my time at Scouts Malaysia
13. 5 Tips To Improve Your English Language Skills
14. 5 A's to Communicating Better with Your Child from an Educator’s Point of View
For tips on CONFIDENCE:
2. Importance Of Speaking With Confidence
3. How To Battle Shyness Or Feeling "Segan" in Public Speaking
4. How to Gain Confidence In Leadership